ECompile.ced v2.11 - AmigaE compiler script for Cygnus Editor! WHAT IS SO SPECIAL ABOUT IT? · It uses reqtools.library for output results ie. compile status. · Can make duplicates ie. makes a copy of the compiled file into another drawer. (configurable) · Can save backups of source file. (requester option) · Autoupdates versionstring (configurable) · You are asked to add a versionstring if none was found! (configurable) · And it's really simple to use... SPECIAL FEATURES? · You can specify duplicate path inside each source · You can specify EC options inside each source · You can handle version strings inside source HOW DO I INSTALL IT? Just place the script in 'Rexx:' And then put it as a hotkey in Cygnus Editor! HOW DO I PUT THE SCRIPT AS A HOTKEY IN CYGNUS EDITOR? 1. Go to Cygnus Editor menu option "Special-Dos/Arexx interface" 2. Choose Fkey to have compiler on (1-10) 3. Write the name of the script 'ECompile.ced' 4. Now you can start compiling :) CAN'T FIND AMIGAE COMPILER? Change ECPath inside script! WANT A AMIGAE COMPILER OPTION TO ALWAYS BE USED? Change default ECOptions inside script! This way you don't have to write it inside the sources! HOW DO I USE SPECIAL FEATURES? IMPORTANT! Always write these options DIRECT INTO THE ARROW (i.e. NO SPACE)!!! List of options: ->ECOptions EC options ->ECDupPath "Path to the duplicate" ->ECNoVer ->ECNoBump ->ECBumpRev ->ECComment "comment to place after verstring in the filenote" ->ECPPSet #define ECVERNAME 'programname' #define ECVERSHORT 'ver.rev' #define ECVERLONG 'ver.rev.fixrev' #define ECVERDATE '(d.m.yy)' The two first are separate from the rest which are for versionstrings. Compile handling (both can be used at the same time): · ECOptions - With this you can specify EC options inside your source. Remove if no options should be used (or default from script)! · ECDupPath - With this a cloned copy of the compiled file can be placed anywhere you want. Do not use it for no clone! Version string handling: · NoVer - No change to or adding of versionstring will be done. · NoBump - No change of the actual version number is done but date will be changed. · BumpRev - Increases revision number by one on each compile · - Increases beta revision number by one on each compile One of these four can only be used at the same time! Additional commands & version handling: · ECComment - Adds the verstring as a filenote to the compiled exe Additional text to be added as filenote can be written after this command. Note, verstring will ALWAYS be added! · ECPPSet - Tells the compiler script to use the defines. Compiler option OPT PREPROCESS is necessary because define is used... These four defines are usable! All defines must not be used at the same time! NEVER use more than ONE space between a define and the string!!! ECVERNAME 'programname' ECVERSHORT 'ver.rev' ECVERLONG 'ver.rev.fixrev' ECVERDATE '(d.m.yy)' If you don't want to use any of these features.. Then simply don't write anything!!! A requester will appear anyway so you can choose some of these options even if no option was used! Example source: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Example program */ ->ECOptions OPTI LARGE /* uses EC options 'OPTI' & 'LARGE'! */ ->ECDupPath "Work:OwnPrograms/" /* Clones compiled file to this path */ ->ECBumpRev /* Bumps the rev number! */ ->ECComment " © 1997 by me!" /* Adds verstring & comment to filenote */ ->ECPPSet /* Uses the verstring defines */ #define ECVERNAME 'Example' #define ECVERSHORT '1.0' #define ECVERDATE '(11.8.97)' OPT OSVERSION=37,PREPROCESS PROC main() PrintF('\nHello World\n\nVer: \s \s \s\n\n',ECVERNAME,ECVERSHORT,ECVERDATE) ENDPROC VOID '$VER: Example 1.0 (11.8.97) © 1997 by me!' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOOK OF VERSION STRING: The line made in the source will look like this: VOID '$VER: Sourcename 1.0 (11.8.97)' And will be placed LAST in your source! Of course will ECompiler.ced update a verstring in ANY place!!! Beta revisions look like this: VOID '$VER: Sourcename 1.0.1 (11.8.97)' WHAT IS THE REQUIREMENTS? · Cygnus Editor v3+ (v4.xx+ rek.) · ARexx v1.15+ · ReqTools.library v38+ · RexxReqTools.library v37+ · AmigaE Compiler v3.0+ · AmigaOS v2.04+ (v37) · C:Filenote, C:Copy CONTACTING THE AUTHOR! For bug reports etc. write an e-mail to: Writer of current version (complete rewrite) Johan Nilsson: Writer of original version, this doc & beta testing Harry Samwel: HISTORY 1.0-1.3 - Internal versions 1.4 - Fixed a couple of bugs Added saving backup of sourcefile Optimized code 1.5-2.1 - Internal versions 2.2 - Fixed a couple of bugs Changed finding/output of error codes from EC Added version string handling Additional changes 2.3-2.4 - Internal changes Some small fixes Added comments handling for verstrings Changed backup handling (now a filerequester) 2.5 - Changed outlook of requester output 2.6 - Added option to make defines of the verstring 2.7 - Optimized define handling 2.8 - Optimized define handling even more Changed backup handling (now a 'overwrite' requester) 2.9 - Fixed some problems with the define handling Added a BumpFix button Added a help page button 2.10 - Added centered screen repositioning when jumping back to where cursor was when starting compile script 2.11 - Fixed to work with NEW CygnusEd 4.xx COPYRIGHTS CygnusEditor is Copyright © 1987-1998 CygnusSoft Software ARexx & AmigaOS is Copyright © 1985-1998 Amiga International ReqTools.library is Copyright © 1991-1994 Nico Francios ReqTools.library is Copyright © 1996-1998 Magnus Holmgren RexxReqTools.library is Copyright © 1992-1994 Rafael D'halleweyn AmigaE/AmigaE Compiler is Copyright © 1991-1998 Wouter van Oortmerssen